Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Easter Holiday Fun


Our Easter Holiday Club includes; Easter egg hunts, making your own pizza, egg rolling, painting and decorating eggs, face painting, junk modelling and Easter craft, with plenty more exciting activities to do. Choose morning/afternoon/all day or school day sessions. We are open between 7.30am and 6.30pm Monday to Friday for 4-11year olds.

Thursday, 17 March 2011

Red Nose Day At Mrs B's

Tomorrow is Red Nose Day children and staff are helping to raise money by wearing red and donating a £1. We are doing red activities during the day such as playing with red jelly in water, using red paint and red Play Dough in craft.

Music Mayhem Comes To Mrs B's

We are excited to welcome Music Mayhem sessions to Mrs B's Day Care every Tuesday 9.45am-10.45am starting after the Easter holidays. Class sizes will be limited, bookings are termly in advance for these sessions. (Same price £3 per child and £1 per sibling per week)
If you are interested please email: janet@music-mayhem.co.uk or contact on 07912 685680.

Mrs B's Day Care children who attend on Tuesdays will have the option to attend a special session which follows on after the 10.45am class.


Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Dinosaur Fun at Mrs B's Day Care

We have been making dinosaur masks and colouring in pictures of dinosaurs. At group time we used dinosaur puppets, looked at dinosaur bones, puzzles, books and had dinosaur stories read to us. Lunch was Seafood Bake with Flapjacks and Custard ..... mmmmmmm

Friday, 4 March 2011

Under The Sea At Mrs B's

A colourful under the sea scene, created by children in our Out of School Club